Design By Den

About Me

Allow me to introduce myself…


“Being inexhaustible, life and nature are a constant stimulus for a creative mind.”



My name is Dennis L. Duncan, Jr. The middle of two boys, and quite possibly the oddest of the bunch. I was born in Detroit, MI, but I lived most of my life in and around Dayton, OH. I was a creative from an early age, drawing, writing and designing things like board games with cardboard and the limpest of rulesets. Much of what I created was inspired by the wealth of video games and cartoons I consumed. I stayed in front of the TV a bit too much, admittedly, but it definitely kept the creative juices flowing. Unfortunately, there was a time limit on how long I concentrated on one idea, before something new came along and made me drop what I was doing. I’m sure someone out there can relate.

As I dragged myself through high school, I decided that I would turn my love for video games into a career designing them. After graduating, I started at Sinclair Community College in the Visual Communications program in the fall of 2000. I also began my career at the college bookstore that same year. The plan was to learn the basics of design at Sinclair, then proceed to “video game school” where I would prepare to work in the industry. What I discovered was that there were plenty of other lessons to learn along the way, many of which I was unprepared for. Hindsight is 20/20 of course, so I know now that asking for help is never a bad idea. But I didn’t, and I became overwhelmed with life. I eventually stepped away from college for a time and, soon after, I found myself face-to-face with another challenge – adulthood.

No longer under the same roof as my parents, I spent a couple of years barely scraping by while also doing whatever I wanted (or could afford) to do. I was still doing graphic design while out of school, but I wasn’t doing enough to make a living. I was wandering about life pretty aimlessly, not taking any real responsibility and letting the world spin around me. I realized that I had hit a low point when I went to take a shower one morning and there was no hot water – it was an eye-opener in more ways than one. After that, I decided it was time to get myself together. A full-time position at the bookstore had just opened, and I knew I had to get it if I was going to thrive on my own. Having already learned most of the job duties, I was a shoe-in for the role. I was finally in a position to properly take care of myself. Still, things weren’t where they needed to be.

After a couple more years, I decided that I needed to finish my Associate degree. This would prove to be a bit more difficult now that I was working full-time. Thankfully, I was able to work out a schedule that allowed me to fit in classes throughout the week. After long nights, anxiety attacks and lots of tears, I completed my degree in June of 2012. It remains one of the proudest moments of my life. I worked for the bookstore several more years after that, doing a number of design projects, maintaining their website, and introducing the store to social media. In 2019 I left the store to work in the college’s Purchasing department, where I currently serve as Supplier Diversity Program Supervisor. It’s quite the departure from video games and graphic design, but it’s the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had.

So, why this website? Well, it’s my design journey, capturing my progress as I continue to develop new skills and mature as a designer. I still work on projects and assist family, friends, and colleagues with their design needs. I’m still learning the tools of the trade in graphic design, and watching for what’s next so that I can be ready for it. I’m also collaborating with other creatives so that we can bring our own ideas to life. As I do more, I’ll continue to share my journey right here. I thank God for the gift of creativity, and I’m grateful for everyone who’s given me a shot at making their vision a reality. I hope you enjoy what you find here, and that you leave with a bit more inspiration for your day.

Be excellent to each other,

